Skin Check: Dermatology App

We will help you to get advice for your skin diseases and moles (skin cancers and etc.). Get advice from the expert dermatologist team right now with ease.


Great Features


Dermatologist Opinions

Our dermatologist team will check your uploaded images and give you a recommendation about your skin condition.


Mobile Dermatoscope

Dermatoscope images are much more information-rich than normal camera images. These more detailed images of your skin moles will lead to more accurate recommendations. Please use it if you have it.


Save Money and Time

Our mission is to reach everyone who needs expert dermatologist opinion for their skin problems and make it affordable. You will be saving money, time, and your health with our app.


Easy to Use

Our app is simple and easy to use for everyone. Also mobile Dermatoscope helps you to take good images with less effort.


Scheduled Notifications

Our app will notify you regularly to check your skin moles so you don’t forget it. Regular checks are important for early detection of skin cancers and diseases.

It allows dermatologists to assess, diagnose, and treat skin conditions remotely, using images taken with smartphones.

Access to care: It is improving access to care for people living in rural or underserved areas, who may not have easy access to a dermatologist. It also makes it easier for people with mobility limitations to access care.

Convenience: It allows people to receive care from the comfort of their own home, which can be more convenient than traveling to a doctor's office.

Time efficiency: It saves time for both patients and doctors by reducing the need for in-person visits.

Cost-effectiveness: It is more cost-effective than in-person care.

Work Process

How does it work ?

1.Take photo of suspected lesion

Take a photo of your suspected skin area with your mobile phone. If you have mobile dermatoscope, please use it to take a photo for better results.

2.Get evaluation from dermatologist

Our expert dermatologist team will give you recommendation in max. 48 hours.

3.Schedule next check

Store your photos securely and set up reminders for your next skin checks. Stay on top of your skin health with regular checks.

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